Samac specialise in the commercial property sector, both refurbishing and maintaining properties across London and the South East.
Established in 1995, Samac have an experienced team providing an exceptional standard of service to our growing client base.
Refurbishment projects are effectively managed ensuring they finish on time and on budget. Our reactive and planned maintenance services will guarantee your property is well maintained and compliant with all current health and safety legislation.
This gives our clients total peace of mind when choosing Samac as their refurbishment and maintenance provider.
Latest News
Chancery Lane >
Plug and play plus begins to 4th floor.
Royal Exchange, Bank >
No inflation here. Samac most competitive again.
Mount Row >
Samac give reception the silver service as another makeover in conjunction with Silver & Co begins.
Buttermarket, Ipswich >
Away fixture for Samac as they spread supplier chain for C&W.
SafeContractor extended for another year >
Samac are pleased to announce that we have extended our membership with SafeContractor for another year. This will help to ensure that we continue our excellent work with our existing clients, as well as winning new contracts.
CHAS extended for another year. >
Samac are pleased to announce that we have extended our membership with CHAS for another year. This will help to ensure that we continue our excellent work with our existing clients, as well as winning new contracts
Samac have received the Prosure360 accreditation for the next year >
Samac ‘oast’ Caxton to first class workmanship in Canterbury >
Samac awarded 2no contracts in Canterbury City Centre via Caxtons Surveyors. Works comprise internal and external refurbishment, with staged programme to facilitate working from home.
Samac offer Sony Music a support act >
Samac carrying out replacement steelworks within occupied recording studios under instruction from Stewart Watson. Working in confined spaces amongst residential and commercial premises. Samac working closely with client to adapt to challenging programme.
CHAS extended for another year >
Samac are pleased to announce that we have extended our membership with CHAS for another year. This will help to ensure that we continue our excellent work with our existing clients, as well as winning new contracts.